Sunday, June 24, 2018

Webinar on Digital Image Processing

Lecture Notes in Digital Image Processing
Lecture Notes: Lectures consist of lecture slides in pdf format and accompanying audio in realaudio format. Each slide has a button to activate the audio clip that presents that slide. You must download the audio clips and unzip to the same directory where you saved the pdf file to play the accompanying audio. Some examples and homeworks utilize matlab (you may also try octave).

Comments and Bugs: I will appreciate comments as well as reports of bugs and mistakes here. Please use the subject line "Regarding DIP lecture notes". Thank you.

POLY students: These lecture notes are not equivalent to taking the class. Please contact the class instructor for details.

POLY students taking the DIP class: These are not the lecture notes for you.  Please contact your instructor.

Lecture outline: Outline of the lecture is on the left (see image below).
Audio: Clicking on the blue arrow on the top left will launch the realplayer to play the audio clip for the slide.
Yellow note boxes: Click them for some extra information.
Purple text: Click to link to definitions, equations, or references in the document related to the text (once linked the right mouse button should open a window which will allow you to go back where you came from).

Source: I have also included the latex source together with the images used to generate the pdf slides (you will need the program dvipdfm to convert dvi files to pdf). The latex sources contain pdf specials to enable launching realaudio from the pdf file (\ralink macro), to enable slide titles to appear in the pdf outline at various depths (\mytitle, \mysubtitle, \mysubsubtitle), to enable pdf note boxes such as the one shown in the tutorial (\mynote macro), and finally to enable linking within the pdf document (\dest and \link macros). For pdf specials please consult the dvipdfm manual as well as Adobe's pdf specification document.

Lecture 1: [pdf lecture notes] [accompanying audio] [latex source]
Image Formation
Inside the Camera - Projection
Inside the Camera - Sensitivity
Sensitivity and Color
Digital Image Formation
(R,G,B) Parameterization of Full Color Images
Grayscale Images
Images as Matrices
Homework I

Lecture 2: [pdf lecture notes] [accompanying audio] [latex source]

Summary of Lecture 1
Simple Processing - Transpose
Simple Processing - Flip Vertical
Simple Processing - Cropping
Simple Image Statistics -  Sample Mean and Sample Variance
Simple Image Statistics - Histogram
Point Processing
Homework Rules
Homework II

Lecture 3: [pdf lecture notes] [accompanying audio] [latex source]

Summary of Lecture 2
Brief Note on Image Segmentation
Histogram Based Image Segmentation
Histogram Equalization
Homework III

Lecture 4: [pdf lecture notes] [accompanying audio] [latex source]
Summary of Lecture 3
Histogram Matching - Specification
Homework IV

Lecture 5: [pdf lecture notes] [accompanying audio] [latex source]
Summary of Lecture 4
Designing the Reproduction Levels for Given Thresholds
MSQE Optimal Lloyd-Max Quantizer
Linear Systems
Linear Shift Invariant (LSI) Systems
Homework V

Lecture 6: [pdf lecture notes] [accompanying audio] [latex source]
Summary of Lecture 5
Convolution and Linear Filtering
The Fourier Transform of 2-D Sequences
Fourier Transform Types
Sampling and Aliasing
Homework VI

Lecture 7: [pdf lecture notes] [accompanying audio] [latex source]
Summary of Lecture 6
The Need for a ``Computable'' Fourier Transform
The 2-D DFT for Finite Extent Sequences
DFTs of Natural Images
Importance of Low Frequencies
Convolution by DFTs
Homework VII

Lecture 8: [pdf lecture notes] [accompanying audio] [latex source]

Summary of Lecture 7
2-D Low-Pass Filtering of Images
2-D High-Pass Filtering of Images
2-D Band-Pass Filtering of Images
Sampling and Antialiasing Filters
Noise Removal
Homework VIII

Lecture 9: [pdf lecture notes] [accompanying audio] [latex source]

Summary of Lecture 8
Fourier Transforms and Gibbs Phenomenon
Images and Edges
Edge Detection - Motivation
Human Visual System and Mach Bands
Homework IX

Lecture 10: [pdf lecture notes] [accompanying audio] [latex source]

Summary of Lecture 9
``Perceptual'' Image Processing
Quantization and False Contours
Image Halftoning
Image Warping and Special Effects
Median Filtering
Oil Painting
Homework X

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